The Torrential Flood

The land would start to quiver and a pained expression filled with alertness would dawn on the faces of the birds and the beasts. These were the first signs of The Torrential Flood. Every month,  the revered river would turn into the devil king of the sixth heaven.  The pure and austere water would show its ugly side bringing emotional distress and a sense of dread and insecurity for the future.  While this flood was once a source of relief for young Arahita,  today it ruined her identity as a woman. 

Arahita’s mother along with other ladies of the village had taught young girls to pray to the austere waters of the river.  This stream was a source of fertility every time it flooded and if properly cared for it promised to give birth to babies.  As an innocent virgin, Arahita would duly complete the religious rituals and when the river would flood out,  she and her friends would celebrate in the temple. 

But this year was different. Mother River was not giving her a baby.  Every month, she would pray that the flood gates dont open and that her fertility bears fruit,  but alas month after month she would witness the torrential flood ruin her crops of desire.

While Anger never hesitated to flush her cheeks and break her brows,  Dejection did not come easily.  Hopeful that one day her prayers would be answered
she continued to dream about a child who would complete her identity as a human. Prayers alone, however,  never see actualization if they are not accompanied with hard work.  Toiling the land,  sowing the seeds and nourishing the soul is important to create a baby…

Today,  again, a slim stream of water has escaped from the cracks of the flood gate.  Soon they will fall open with the pressure of the river.  The skies have already darkened. Its time, yet again, to take refuge… Willingly… Or unwillingly.

Watercolors on paper; painted last night.

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